Wednesday, May 22, 2013

That Was Weird

A woman walked through me today. I was going to ask her how I could help her in the cereal ailse. She looked at me, or at least I thought she did and then walked right through me. I could feel it. I felt chills spread from deep inside me. I feel violated, and wasn't even sure I should document it. I would appreciate it if the ghosts walked around me from now on.

Stan -

It's late, and I don't know what day it is...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Ghost Boy?

November 11th, 2006

Writing in a diary might be for pansies as my uncle just told me. I think it is helping me stay out of the nut house. I saw another spirit today. At least I think it was a spirit.

A young boy in the grocery store didn't appear to have an adult with him. I went over to ask him where his parents were. He pointed to the sky! I thought this was strange. When I went to touch his shoulder my fingers went right through him!

Am I losing it, or is this really happening to me? How can I see someone I can't touch? I will have to see if he shows up again tonight.


Crazy Thoughts

November 9th, 2006
It's been around a month since I saw the ghost man stand up from his body. I think that my mind was just playing tricks on me. I have not experienced anything like it since that night. Should I chalk it up to a lack of sleep? I don't know what to believe anymore. The more I play that night over and over again in my mind the less realistic it seems. 
I even went to the graveyard the other day to see if mom and dad would show themselves. I felt silly standing in between the head stones asking them to show themselves. The only thing I saw was a creepy crow that landed on mom's headstone and cawed until I left.
Hopefully my nights of seeing things I cannot explain are over with.